As of December 2024, The Saudi Investment Bank has a market cap of $3.81B. This makes The Saudi Investment Bank the world's 3248th valuable company by market cap, according to our data. The market capitalization, also known as a stock market cap is a key financial indication. It represents the combined worth of all the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company multiplied by the current stock price. This figure is often used to see how much a company is worth. This figure is often used to see what is the company net worth.
Year | Market Cap | Change |
2024 | $4.32B | 1.63% |
2023 | $4.25B | -7.96% |
2022 | $4.62B | 18.17% |
2021 | $3.91B | 22.25% |
2020 | $3.20B | -11.29% |
2019 | $3.60B | 5.37% |
2018 | $3.42B | 13.53% |
2017 | $3.01B | 6.20% |
2016 | $2.84B | -5.00% |
2015 | $2.99B | -27.96% |
2014 | $4.14B | -1.46% |
2013 | $4.21B | 58.53% |
2012 | $2.65B | 12.16% |
2011 | $2.37B | -10.30% |
2010 | $2.64B | 22.22% |
2009 | $2.16B | 8.72% |
2008 | $1.98B | -67.58% |
2007 | $6.12B | 7.89% |
2006 | $5.67B | -36.46% |
2005 | $8.93B | 116.82% |
2004 | $4.12B | 100.26% |
2003 | $2.06B | 40.62% |
2002 | $1.46B | 23.93% |
2001 | $1.18B | 19.73% |
2000 | $985.48M | 5.11% |
1999 | $937.53M | - |