As for today JISLJALEQS price is $0.79, a decrease of -0.62% from yesterday.
The highest price of Jain Irrigation Systems is $2.96 on 2010-08-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
The lowest price of Jain Irrigation Systems is $0.03 on 2002-02-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
Year | Price | Change |
2024 | $0.7057768007290287 | -5.28% |
2023 | $0.7451171049293989 | 88.84% |
2022 | $0.3945773794425186 | -19.23% |
2021 | $0.4885243745478801 | 118.37% |
2020 | $0.22371128209464222 | 139.62% |
2019 | $0.09335982638595305 | -88.61% |
2018 | $0.8196875322942796 | -44.49% |
2017 | $1.48 | 42.74% |
2016 | $1.03 | 27.50% |
2015 | $0.8114671702225604 | -1.29% |
2014 | $0.8220362071719136 | -3.58% |
2013 | $0.852568980581156 | -3.20% |
2012 | $0.8807530791127647 | -13.34% |
2011 | $1.02 | -56.77% |
2010 | $2.35 | 20.48% |
2009 | $1.95 | 152.78% |
2008 | $0.7719311039711395 | -46.55% |
2007 | $1.44 | 69.93% |
2006 | $0.8498847974972521 | 81.10% |
2005 | $0.46928755296261854 | 102.22% |
2004 | $0.23207139032158058 | -1.80% |
2003 | $0.23632143494640323 | 83.74% |
2002 | $0.12861789878150748 | - |
Jain Irrigation Systems currently the market.