As for today HPQ price is $0.27, a decrease of 0.00% from yesterday.
The highest price of HPQ-Silicon Resources is $1.19 on 2021-02-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
The lowest price of HPQ-Silicon Resources is $0.01 on 2015-11-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
Year | Price | Change |
2024 | $0.14822134387351776 | -4.55% |
2023 | $0.15527950310559005 | -12.00% |
2022 | $0.17645398080180688 | -45.65% |
2021 | $0.3246753246753247 | -58.18% |
2020 | $0.7763975155279503 | 1275.00% |
2019 | $0.0564652738565782 | 33.33% |
2018 | $0.04234895539243365 | -45.45% |
2017 | $0.07763975155279502 | -21.43% |
2016 | $0.09881422924901186 | 180.00% |
2015 | $0.035290796160361376 | 0.00% |
2014 | $0.035290796160361376 | 0.00% |
2013 | $0.035290796160361376 | 0.00% |
2012 | $0.035290796160361376 | -58.33% |
2011 | $0.0846979107848673 | -62.50% |
2010 | $0.2258610954263128 | 300.00% |
2009 | $0.0564652738565782 | 0.00% |
2008 | $0.0564652738565782 | -87.50% |
2007 | $0.4517221908526256 | - |
HPQ-Silicon Resources currently outperform the market.