According to Fraser and Neave latest financial reports the total liabilities of F99 is $1.27B, an increase of 16.29% to 2022. At the end of 2022 company had $1.09B total liabilities. This figure represents the company's financial obligations and debts, including loans, accounts payable, and other liabilities that Fraser and Neave is responsible for during its operational activities.
Year | Total liabilities | Change |
2023 | $1.27B | 16.29% |
2022 | $1.09B | 0.57% |
2021 | $1.08B | 6.60% |
2020 | $1.02B | -0.57% |
2019 | $1.02B | 32.57% |
2018 | $772.00M | - |