1321East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry1321 info
Global rank6865
Market cap$1.24B
Change 7d-2.64%
YTD Performance80.00%
SP500 benchmarkOutperform
Dividend yield-
Main Sector
Basic Materials

Market capitalization of East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry (1321)

As of September 2024, East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry has a market cap of $1.24B. This makes East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry the world's 6865th valuable company by market cap, according to our data. The market capitalization, also known as a stock market cap is a key financial indication. It represents the combined worth of all the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company multiplied by the current stock price. This figure is often used to see how much a company is worth. This figure is often used to see what is the company net worth.

Market cap history of East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry from 2022 to 2024


Market cap history of East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry from 2022 to 2024

YearMarket CapChange

1321 Market Cap Today is $1.24B -0.54% - 9 Sept 2024

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