As for today 4939 price is $0.63, a increase of 0.99% from yesterday.
The highest price of Asia Electronic Material is $0.90 on 2022-01-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
The lowest price of Asia Electronic Material is $0.16 on 2016-05-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
Year | Price | Change |
2024 | $0.717151699756566 | 9.32% |
2023 | $0.6559873756835113 | 45.42% |
2022 | $0.4510868900387782 | -36.56% |
2021 | $0.7110352673492606 | 6.90% |
2020 | $0.6651620242944696 | 22.54% |
2019 | $0.5428333761483602 | -3.53% |
2018 | $0.5627117814721029 | -9.58% |
2017 | $0.6223469974433313 | 135.53% |
2016 | $0.2642298799955962 | 10.77% |
2015 | $0.23854086388491322 | -61.19% |
2014 | $0.6147014569341995 | 34.85% |
2013 | $0.455837217267912 | 8.08% |
2012 | $0.4217726644402853 | -11.27% |
2011 | $0.47533426303105925 | - |
Asia Electronic Material currently the market.