Company PlaceholderAlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting9569 info
Global rank25268
Market cap$50.13M
Change 7d-5.53%
YTD Performance-3.51%
SP500 benchmarkUnderperform
Dividend yield-
Main Sector
Basic Materials
Business data

    AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting (9569) Stock Price History

    As for today 9569 price is $13.19, a decrease of -2.17% from yesterday.

    The highest price of AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting is $18.68 on 2023-06-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.

    The lowest price of AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting is $13.06 on 2024-01-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.

    Stock Price History of AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting from to 2024.


    Stock price history for AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting by end of year


    Price of AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting compared to S&P500 (SPY/US500)

    AlMuneef Company for Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Contracting currently underperform the market.

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