As for today 9571 price is $0.08, a decrease of -2.90% from yesterday.
The highest price of Mitrajaya Holdings is $0.32 on 2016-08-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
The lowest price of Mitrajaya Holdings is $0.02 on 2009-01-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
Year | Price | Change |
2024 | $0.05859154929577465 | -1.89% |
2023 | $0.05971830985915493 | 12.77% |
2022 | $0.05295774647887324 | -4.08% |
2021 | $0.0552112676056338 | -10.91% |
2020 | $0.0619718309859155 | -3.51% |
2019 | $0.06422535211267605 | 1.79% |
2018 | $0.06309859154929578 | -69.91% |
2017 | $0.20971718309859155 | -23.02% |
2016 | $0.2724169014084507 | 5.00% |
2015 | $0.2594433802816902 | 83.67% |
2014 | $0.14125295774647886 | 94.06% |
2013 | $0.0727887323943662 | 18.82% |
2012 | $0.061257464788732396 | -9.57% |
2011 | $0.0677430985915493 | -14.03% |
2010 | $0.07879436619718311 | 117.70% |
2009 | $0.03619380281690141 | 17.71% |
2008 | $0.030749295774647883 | -26.15% |
2007 | $0.041638309859154926 | 30.00% |
2006 | $0.03202929577464789 | 11.11% |
2005 | $0.02882704225352113 | -31.30% |
2004 | $0.041960563380281694 | -32.47% |
2003 | $0.06213859154929577 | 8.99% |
2002 | $0.057014084507042255 | -29.37% |
2001 | $0.08071661971830986 | -10.00% |
2000 | $0.08968338028169014 | - |
Mitrajaya Holdings currently outperform the market.