As of December 2024, Highwood Asset Management has a market cap of $63.08M. This makes Highwood Asset Management the world's 23860th valuable company by market cap, according to our data. The market capitalization, also known as a stock market cap is a key financial indication. It represents the combined worth of all the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company multiplied by the current stock price. This figure is often used to see how much a company is worth. This figure is often used to see what is the company net worth.
Year | Market Cap | Change |
2024 | $62.30M | 17.71% |
2023 | $52.93M | -57.33% |
2022 | $124.06M | -10.00% |
2021 | $137.84M | 78.57% |
2020 | $77.19M | -58.21% |
2019 | $184.71M | 85.91% |
2018 | $99.35M | - |