According to Demae-Can latest financial reports the total liabilities of 2484 is $79.31M, an decrease of -17.10% to 2022. At the end of 2022 company had $95.67M total liabilities. This figure represents the company's financial obligations and debts, including loans, accounts payable, and other liabilities that Demae-Can is responsible for during its operational activities.
Year | Total liabilities | Change |
2023 | $79.31M | -17.10% |
2022 | $95.67M | 10.82% |
2021 | $86.34M | 94.00% |
2020 | $44.50M | 64.00% |
2019 | $27.14M | 278.49% |
2018 | $7.17M | - |