Cystech Electronics Corp. designs, develops, manufactures, and supplies power devices for the computing, consumer electronics, communication, and industrial markets worldwide. The company offers MOSFET products; bipolar and digital transistors; DC to DC integrated circuits (IC); dual operational amplifier and voltage references, regulators, and CMOS regulators; and AECQ transistors. It also provides switching control, fast, zener, switching, and schottky diodes; general purpose, glass passivated, and snubber damping rectifiers; and TVS products. Cystech Electronics Corp. is based in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Stock data | 2025 | Change |
Price | $2.69 | N/A |
Market Cap | $93.12M | N/A |
Shares Outstanding | 34.60M | N/A |
Employees | 103.00 | N/A |