As for today 8044 price is $0.03, a decrease of 0.00% from yesterday.
The highest price of CFM is $0.66 on 2023-01-01. It's also known as the all time high (ATH) which refers to the highest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
The lowest price of CFM is $0.01 on 2009-02-01. It's also known as the all time low (ATL) which refers to the lowest price ever reached by a stock in its trading history.
Year | Price | Change |
2024 | $0.03454115969158087 | -11.43% |
2023 | $0.038998083522752594 | -93.06% |
2022 | $0.5615724027276374 | 303.20% |
2021 | $0.1392788697241164 | 38.27% |
2020 | $0.100726478584481 | 105.45% |
2019 | $0.04902616214288898 | -5.98% |
2018 | $0.05214600882470919 | -1.68% |
2017 | $0.053037393590943525 | 12.26% |
2016 | $0.047243392610420286 | -22.06% |
2015 | $0.06061416410393547 | -12.26% |
2014 | $0.06908231938316174 | 72.22% |
2013 | $0.04011231448054552 | 18.42% |
2012 | $0.03387262111690511 | 16.92% |
2011 | $0.028970004902616215 | 23.81% |
2010 | $0.023398850113651556 | -20.45% |
2009 | $0.02941569728573339 | 100.00% |
2008 | $0.014707848642866695 | -45.00% |
2007 | $0.02674154298703035 | -1.64% |
2006 | $0.027187235370147524 | 56.41% |
2005 | $0.01738200294156973 | -26.42% |
2004 | $0.023621696305210143 | -53.51% |
2003 | $0.05080893167535767 | 67.65% |
2002 | $0.030307082051967735 | -5.03% |
2001 | $0.03191157463118955 | 2.29% |
2000 | $0.03119846681820208 | - |
CFM currently the market.