Tysnes Sparebank, a savings bank, provides banking products and services for private and business customers in Tysness and surrounding areas. It offers payment solutions, such as bank cards, credits, and mobile and online banking; insurance solutions, such as children, auto, death fall, health, buildings, holiday home, income, critical health, disability, and other insurance; loans, such as car loans, mortgages, loans to other vehicles, credit lines, and small loans; and share savings accounts, bank savings, BSU, fund savings, IPS, and retirement savings and pension accounts to private customers. The company also provides payment solutions, billing services, and Web and mobile banking services; financing services, such as bank guarantees, overdrafts, leasing, and corporate loans; liability, operational agriculture, property, health, home insurance, breeding and crew, car, and occupational insurance; and other accounts to companies in construction, property, trade and services, and agricultural industries. The company was incorporated in 1862 and is headquartered in Tysnes, Norway branches in Kvinnherad, Bergen, Odda, and Stord.
Stock data | 2025 | Change |
Price | $9.93 | N/A |
Employees | 17.00 | N/A |